第1654期:If Elon Musk is only “medium happy”…

When asked if he was happy, Elon Musk replied, “I think there are degrees of love. But certainly, for one to be fully happy, I think you have to be happy at work and happy in love. So, I suppose I’m medium happy.

My first reaction was – WHAT? And my second reaction was – WTF?!

If he is medium happy, what about you and me, and the 8 billion minus one on this planet (meaning everybody else in the world except Musk)?

But for your background information, Mr. Musk recently split with the musician Grimes after being together for three years.

“I’m sure there are times when everyone is lonely,” he said.

That makes sense. “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a GOOD fortune must be in want of a wife,” as Jane Austin had famously diagnosed.

If a man is super mother-fucker-dirty-rich like Elon Musk but without a loving partner, neither his joy nor his loneliness gets appreciated or shared.

Imparticipable joy is not so enjoyable; unsharable loneliness only makes one lonelier.

Men are animals–social animals and lonely beasts (think ‘lone wolves.’) They crave power and money with which they believe women will come to them naturally and everybody will succumb to them willingly.

But what men don’t admit is they need love – the richer they get, the more desperate they are for happiness in intimate relations.

Money can buy sex, partners, and sensual gratification, but not pure love.

Money can buy submission, obedience, and veneration, but not true loyalty.

Money can buy luxury outfits, nice looks (by plastic surgery), and status, but not good taste.

Money can buy titles, diplomas, and prestige, but not wisdom about life.

Money often buys more mishaps than happiness – misfortune in disguise, without our knowledge.

I don’t know the details about Elon Musk’s “medium happiness syndrome,” but I dare say I am happier than him – that I am sure, to which my wife nods her acquiescence with a thumbs-up and a blown kiss.

After some deep thoughts and self-debates, I have decided that I probably stand a veeeeeery slim chance of becoming as rich as Elon Musk in this life. However, I’m also convinced that Elon Musk cannot become another me either because – can he write Haiku?

I wish him luck finding more love and moving up on his happiness scale.

Make more cool stuff, Mr. Musk. Go, tiger. Beat the bastards.