
昨天文章谈到的全球徒步者Paul Salopek在最新的一则推文中引用了几句诗,细心的读者发现是杜甫诗《宿府》中的两句。









首联(一、二对句)写环境和是由,如同一个长镜头,类似一个故事的背景,the where and why元素。







Reside Tent

(Translation: Lucas Klein)

1 clear autumn army tents well paulownia cold, alone reside river city candle dwindle.

2 whole night horn sound tragic self language, mid sky moon color who see.

3 wind dust delay voice letter end, border posts desolate to move road difficult.

4 already endure wander ten year stuff, force mobile perch one branch to settle.


I Pass the night at General Headquarters

(Translation: Kenneth Rexroth)

A clear night in harvest time.

In the courtyard at headquarters

The wu-tung trees grow cold.

In the city by the river

I wake alone by a guttering

Candle. All night long bugle

Calls disturb my thoughts.

The splendor

Of the moonlight floods the sky.

Who bothers to look at it?

Whirlwinds of dust, I cannot write.

The frontier pass is unguarded.

It is dangerous to travel.

Ten years of wandering, sick at heart.

I perch here like a bird on a 
Twig, thankful for a moment’s peace.

*昨天文中Paul Salopek推文中引用的就是这个译本。


On a clear autumn night in the general’s headquarters, by the well the phoenix tree shivers,

Spending the night alone in a river town I have only the company of a candle burning out.

Throughout the night bugles blare like a monologue of doleful tones,

The bright moon rises high yet who has the mood to admire now?

Protracted battles continue to dust storms stir and correspondence sever,

Border passes have desolate and unsafe become making travels out of bounds.

I have been adrift alone for a decade and more,

Though I managed to find employment and survive, it is only for now.



Staying Overnight at Headquarters

(Translation: Stephen Owen)

Clear autumn at headquarters, the tung tree by the well is cold,

I spend the night alone in this river city, the wax torch dying.

Through the long night the sound of the horn sadly speaks to itself,

the color of the moon mid-sky is quite fine—but who looks at it?

The dust of armies goes on and on, all news is cut off,
in the dreariness of barrier passes, hard traveling.

I have put up with rootless wandering, it’s been this way ten years,

I make myself move to take a roost on one secure branch.


Staying at the General’s Headquarters

(Translation: Witter Bynner)

The autumn night is clear and cold in the lakka-trees of this courtyard.

I am lying forlorn in the river-town. I watch my guttering candle.

I hear the lonely notes of a bugle sounding through the dark.

The moon is in mid-heaven, but there’s no one to share it with me.

My messengers are scattered by whirls of rain and sand.

City-gates are closed to a traveller; mountains are walls in my way –

Yet, I who have borne ten years of pitiable existence,

Find here a perch, a little branch, and am safe for this one night.

我很好奇许渊冲先生是怎么翻译这首诗的,但我手头的这本 “300 Tang Poem: translated by Xu Yuanchong”中没有收录这首。如果有读者看到其他译本,欢迎补充。




