



The poetic prose Dad wrote

Translation: Fuolao

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一九八四年 庄稼还没收割完

’twas one day in 1984, when harvest was half done.

女儿躺在我怀里 睡得那么甜

My daughter, in my arms, was deep in her slumber.

今晚的露天电影 没时间去看

Tonight I had no time for the movie in the open air

妻子提醒我 修修缝纫机的踏板

My wife reminded me of the sewing machine’s pedal needing repair

明天我要去 邻居家再借点钱

Tomorrow I’m gonna have to borrow some money from our neighbors

孩子哭了一整天哪 闹着要吃饼干

My girl’s been crying all day for a piece of cookie – I need that favor

蓝色的涤卡上衣 痛往心里钻

Oh my blue polyester top, the pain pierces my heart

蹲在池塘边上 给了自己两拳

I gave myself a good punch, by a pond I squat

这是我父亲 日记里的文字

This in his diary my father wrote

这是他的青春 留下留下来的散文诗

’twas his poetic prose before he was old

几十年后 我看着泪流不止

Decades later I read myself into tears

可我的父亲已经 老得像一个影子

While dad’s as old as a shadow in his chair

一九九四年 庄稼早已收割完

’twas one day in 1994, when the crops’d all been gathered.

我的老母亲去年 离开了人间

Mom had been in another world for a year

女儿扎着马尾辫 跑进了校园

In school my ponytailed daughter ran around

可是她最近 有点孤单瘦了一大圈

But she looked lonely and lanky lately I found

想一想未来 我老成了一堆旧纸钱

Think about the future and I see myself peak and pine

那时的女儿一定 会美得很惊艳

My girl must’ve become a beauty, dazzling and fine.

有个爱她的男人 要娶她回家

She will marry a good loving gentleman

可想到这些 我却不忍看她一眼

Will I be able to share their joy – I hope I can

这是我父亲 日记里的文字

This in his diary my dad wrote

这是他的生命 留下

’twas his life left behind


His poetic prose before he was old

几十年后 我看着泪流不止

Decades later I read myself into tears


Dad’s as old as newspaper getting on in years

旧报纸那上面的故事 就是一辈子

’twas a life-long story, then and there.