第1922期:Professionals almost never say “I don’t know”

我刚进外企时带我的师傅教了我第一课——Never say “I don’t know”; say “Let me find out and get back to you” if you really don’t know about something.



I’m not sure, but I’ll find out and let you know.

I’ll look into it and get back to you (with what I find).

Better yet, 如果你能给对方一个你打算回复他的时间,就完美了。

I am not sure but let me find out about it and let you know by the end of the day.


Well, eh, I can’t answer you right now because I don’t have the answer. But I’ll see what I can do and let you know, ok?


抛开外企语境,在一般生活场景中我们都会经常说“不知道”,今天教你几句表示 I don’t know的其他说法,希望能为你的英语口语增色:

I don’t have a clue.

I have no idea.

Your guess is as good as mine.

It’s beyond me.

Beats me. (It beats me. 这个问题把我问住了,难倒了。)

Search me. (我真不知道)

Dunno. (I Don’t know的口语缩略)

Who knows?(谁知道呢?)

God only knows. (天知道)

Don’t ask me.(别问我)



第一个说法:Not that I know of / Not that I am aware of


Is he married?

Not that I know of.

第二个说法:Not to my knowledge / Not to the best of my knowledge

意思差不多,比not that I know of正式,律师较喜欢用。


He hasn’t been to work today, at least not to my knowledge.

第三个说法:Without my knowledge


The report was sent without my knowledge. (报告发出时并未经过我同意,我不知情。)

第四个说法(这个最高级了,马上学会):Unbeknownst to me…


Unbeknownst to me, he had rented out the apartment while I was away!(我不在时他居然瞒着我把房子租出去了!)


You ask me, I ask who?(你问我,我问谁?)
