
大儿歌 (《故乡,别来无恙》电视剧挥别曲)



Nursery Rhyme for the Grownups


Lyric translation: Fuolao


阳春白雪 The early Spring, the white snow

青菜豆腐 The Doufu and green vegetable

做几人餐食填满世间饿 How much food can it make and How many mouths can it feed?

贪嗔成狼 Hateful and Greedy

咬了过往 like a wolf bit and ran

吃得下尽管吃下 别放凉 Finish off if you can; Better than let it die on the vine

痴人说梦 Asking for the moon, the moron

歹梦不可信 never believe nightmares, be aware

醒来又放不下 这歹梦伤人 bad dreams hurt if you awake but can’t drop

龃龉残渣 Some discords leave scraps and residual

口吐莲花 some rhetoric so fancy and beautiful

哪位能打量算出一生卦 but who can tell your fortune by sizing you up?

我看你 I see that

眼里有酒 your eyes are drunk with wine

手里有光 your hands hold light and shine

你就潇洒 你就潇洒 handsome you, handsome you

我看你 I see that

前程似锦 your future’s bright and promising

清白如娃 your conscience’s pure and clean

我不牵挂 我不牵挂 I don’t worry ‘cuz I don’t fuss

你也别牵挂 don’t you let it get on your nerves

痴人说梦 Asking for the moon, the moron

歹梦不可信 never believe nightmares, be aware

醒来又放不下 这歹梦伤人 bad dreams hurt if you awake but can’t drop

龃龉残渣 Some discords leave scraps and residual

口吐莲花 some rhetoric so fancy and beautiful

哪位能打量算出一生卦 but who can tell your fortune by sizing you up?

我看你 I see that

眼里有酒 your eyes are drunk with wine

手里有光 your hands hold light and shine

你就潇洒 你就潇洒 handsome you, handsome you

我看你 I see that

前程似锦 your future’s bright and promising

清白如娃 your conscience’s pure and clean

我不牵挂 我不牵挂 I don’t worry ‘cuz I don’t fuss

你也别牵挂 don’t you let it get on your nerves